Welcome 2025 Paddlers!
We are open for booking

Don't be caught off guard

Cutthroat trout are throughout the Powell River region. I usually catch them trolling a small action lure or trolling a fly.
The smaller fish are close to shore so casting usually produces these, but the bigger ones need to eat too so you never know. Remember to always use a single barbless hook as it keeps the trauma to the fish to a minimum and its the law.
Watch for fish surfacing action on the lake, hopefully it will help you find the feeding times so you don't get skunked.
You must have a current license with you at all times. You can purchase a BC freshwater fishing license online.

Staying hydrated is basically making sure you're going to make it out of the bush. Not drinking enough water can start with a dry mouth and or dark-colored urine if any. From their fatigue, dizziness and confusion kicks in. Do yourself a favor and make sure you have more than one way of making drinkable water.Â
First is a Mechanical water filter. It basically forces water threw a fine porous material trapping germs and particles.
Second is Chemical treatment. Chlorine and iodine is used to kill viruses and bacteria but it's not always 100% especially against parasites and doesn't fix sediment so boiling and filtering is still a good idea if possible.
Third is an UV Pen. The UV light makes the water an unlivable environment for the viruses and germs in your water. Doesn't do anything for sediment tho.
Fourth is good old boiling. Placing a bandana over your water vessel to filter sediment, covering the opening with your hand so surface water doesn't enter and then boiling it for a couple of minutes is as basic as you get but it works in a pinch.

Mosquitos like the cooler times on a hot summer day and can't help themselves around sweet-smelling people. Avoiding fragrant sprays or deodorants will help detour these little vampires. Also having some bug spray with DEET usually helps a lot. Remember to keep the spray off your skin and on your clothes. A fire creates a smoke zone the mosquitos hate and having a bug net for your face is useful but remember it needs to fit over your hat to keep the net away from your skin.

Rain can happen at any time, but it's not a big deal if your prepared. First off find a good tenting site that's flat and not going to puddle water. Having a sized tarp under your tent a another larger one over your tent can shed the water even farther away and lessen the pain of packing a wet tent. You can also create an outdoor living area with another tarp so your not stuck inside the tent on a rainy day. Wearing layers is a must for shedding soaked outer shells or cooling down before getting sweaty and getting wet from the inside out. We have a lot of bush so having a pair of rain pants or gaiters will prevent a lot of cold wet problems later on.

Bears love an easy snack but the real problem is the little critters knawing a hole to have a meal. Please remember to secure your food in a bear-proof container and hang them up high away from the big and little guys. A rope spanned between two trees with your food container hanging from the middle is the method of choice for these parts and some bear spray just in case. ( I've never had to use my bear spray but better to have than have not )

You never know what's going to happen in the great outdoors so being prepared is the best policy. A survival pouch consists of everything you'll need to survive a couple of days in the bush. Creating your own is best because you get hands-on with everything in there. It consists of a small pouch a little bit bigger than your hand, inside you should have"
-a knife
-flint & steel
-garbage bag
-water treatment pellets
-mini fishing kit ( fishing line, hooks, earplugs floats and some led pellet weights)
-needles for sewing fishing line and compass making
-space blanket
-mini flashlight w/extra batteries
-lip balm
-mini lighter in sealed pouch
-mini multi-tool
-mini can opener
-snare wire

The only cell coverage is when you are getting close to civilization.
Lois Lake coverage is spotty at best close to the Dam
Powell Lake coverage starts at the sasquatch camp, (the campsite that's in line with the end on Inland Lake on Powell Lake)
All other Lakes away from civilization do not have any coverage.
Having an emergency PLB (personal emergency beacon) Satilight texting or phone system is recommended for your safety.
Better to have it and not need than to not have it at all.